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There are several reasons for hair loss. The most common cause is hormonal imbalance.  Fluctuations in hormones will often show in the hair. Not all hair loss is related to genetics or “male pattern baldness”. Women can suffer from baldness too.  There are medications and formulations for addressing this specific cause of hair loss; they typically require a minimum time frame of between three months to five months of consistent use for positive results.  In many cases, cessation of the medications and formulations may also result in the gained hair growth to be lost subsequently.


Hair can also be damaged by certain chemical compounds like unsuitable shampoos or hair conditioners, prolonged exposure to heat eg. use of hair styling devices, perming and straightening treatments.  Regular scalp irritation and chronic inflammation of the scalp can lead to challenging scalp conditions that are not easily treated by regular medications. Oil deposits on the scalp can also lead to decreased nourishment for the hair follicles, causing hair to fall excessively.  When hair or scalp skin problems arise, it is good to visit a qualified physician to assess the causes and possible treatment options for the conditions.  Conditions that require professional help include, but are not limited to, various forms of balding, alopecia, scalp skin dermatitis and seborrheic dermatitis.


These conditions may present as excessive scalp skin itchiness and rashes, scalp skin allergies, excessive flakes and dandruff, clumps of hair falling out after washing, dryness of the scalp and hair, brittleness and thinning of the hair, patches of hair loss or abnormal scalp odour.


In some cases, thyroid disease can be the cause of sudden hair loss.  Hair falling out in clumps is one of a set of symptoms and signs that may indicate a thyroid condition.  This is common among women and can be easily diagnosed through blood health screening tests.  Thyroid problems often shows up first in the characteristics of the hair.  Once the thyroid or related hormonal problem is treated, the hair condition would revert to normal.


Any of the above symptoms may indicate a need for a consultation by a medical doctor or dermatologist.


Hair Care and Hair Nutrition

Genetics and our general health and well being are key factors for healthy hair. Proper nutrition is important for good hair health. Stress, scalp skin inflammation, various medications and chemicals, chronic medical conditions, heavy metals in waters and food, smoking and unhealthy dietary habits can affect the hair follicle health, its growth, its volume and its appearance.


Nutritional deficiencies typically show early in the hair. Anaemia due to Iron and Vitamin B-12 deficiency can cause hair shedding and hair loss. Vitamin A, C, proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, alpha-linolenic acid, selenium, calcium and zinc are essential for health scalp and healthy hair growth. The B group of vitamins are the most important for healthy hair, especially biotin. Biotin functions to activate certain enzymes that aid in metabolism of protein, fats, and carbohydrates. A deficiency in biotin intake can cause brittle hair and can lead to hair loss. Grains, liver, egg yolk, soy flour, and yeast are good sources of Biotin. B-5 (pantothenic acid) provides hair flexibility, strength and shine. It also helps prevent hair loss and graying. Vitamin B-6 helps prevent dandruff and can be found in cereals, egg yolk and liver. Vitamin B-12 helps prevent the loss of hair and can be found in fish, eggs, chicken and milk.


When the body is under stress, blood carrying oxygen and nutrients may not supply the scalp and hair follicles as compared with a less stressed situation; resulting in a decline in hair growth and unhealthy hair.  The speed of hair growth varies with genetics, gender, age, hormones; and may be reduced by nutritional deficiencies (e.g. anaemia, Vitamin B complex deficiencies, zinc deficiency) and hormonal imbalances (i.e., menopause, polycystic ovary disease and thyroid disease).


A balanced and nutritious diet is necessary for healthy scalp and healthy hair.


The iClinic Hair Care and Treatment System

The iClinic Hair Care and Treatment System focuses on the following areas of hair and scalp health:


  1. Healthy and Well-nourished Scalp

  2. Improved Hair Growth

  3. Stronger Hair

  4. Increased Hair Volume


The iClinic achieves the above through a combination of clinically approved therapies, focused nutritional supplementation and hair care products customised to each patient needs.


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